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Caring Connections Program

A Transitions Program

Caring Connections Flyer page onePathways is honored to be a part of your caregiving team and would like to stay in touch if you transition off our services. Through Caring Connections, Pathways provides practical and emotional support to patients discharged from our Hospice and Palliative Care services.

Volunteer support may include:

  • Companionship
  • Respite for family members and caregivers
  • Connection to community services and resources

Caring Connections volunteers provide friendly visits to clients and their families. Approved activities include: Conversation, holding hands, walking the dog, bedside sitting, sharing hobbies and interests, reading, gardening, listening to music, and crafting.

Caring Connections volunteers are not clinical providers. They may not: Drive a client or caregiver, feed the client, cut nails or hair, accept gifts or tips, do heavy chores, handle medications of any sort, give medical advice, sign legal documents, make unassigned visits, share personal phone numbers, or make purchases for the client or family.