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How to Look to the Future With Anticipation

New Years is just a month away, and it’s time to start thinking about the future and any resolutions you wish to make. Even if you’re in senior care in Santa Clara and elsewhere, there is so much to be grateful for and so many things to look forward to. It’s time to wave goodbye to a year that may have been challenging for you and your family, but at the same time, we are reminded of the good times that lay ahead. To that end, let’s honor Celebration of Life Week (the first week of January) as a time to revitalize and rejuvenate as we all embrace the promises of 2024.

Tips For Looking Ahead With Promise

While every year poses challenges, it’s important to not only look ahead to the future but take stock of what you have accomplished — which is probably much more than you realize. Celebrating those achievements and being thankful for what you have is the key to a happy life. Here are some ways you can celebrate each day and live it to the fullest, no matter what physical or emotional burdens you may be carrying.

Create a List

Before bed each night, jot down a quick list of what happened that day that is worthy of celebrating, whether this involves a reunion with an old friend, having a meaningful visit with a parent who has Alzheimer’s, getting a promotion at your job, or watching your child get the winning touchdown in football. Even if you write down just three things, it can be cathartic to reflect on each one while celebrating even the smallest of accomplishments on a daily basis.

Recall Proud Accomplishments

Many people get stuck in a rut by reminiscing on their former glory days, but it can be helpful to preserve those good memories that you are proud of and use them to guide your future, says Life Cherish.

Embrace Each Day

It’s true what they say: each day is a gift so make the most of it. Upon waking up every morning, look forward to what the day could bring you. Think about the possibilities and the goals you want to attain while drinking your morning coffee or while stuck in traffic on the way to work. Let those positive vibes flow over you each morning and recall those moments as you go about your day for periodic mini mood boosts to get you through.

Count Your Blessings

Reflecting on the little things in life is important and should be done throughout the day. From spending meaningful moments with your children to getting the most out of every day with an aging parent in hospice to having a roof over your head, it’s easy to take these moments for granted. Readjust your focus and remember your luck at being here right now and doing what you’re doing. 

Appreciate the Present

It’s easy to get stuck in old patterns that can prevent you from being present in this moment. Pause to reflect on old beliefs, people, or situations you may be clinging to, and re-evaluate things to see what no longer serves you. Growth originates from awareness. Tap into the here and now to take stock of how you may be stuck and use January 1 as a starting point to make changes.

Define Goals

New Years is the perfect time for many to create a plan for getting through the coming months. Reflect on the year that has just left you and think about what you have not achieved but would like to for 2024, whether personal or professional in nature.

Find Humor in Everyday Experiences

Joy is all around us. It’s up to you to look for it and recognize its value. Even if you’re going through a tough time right now, there are always bits and pieces of humor around you that you can embrace. Don’t be afraid to thank yourself for enduring all that disappoints you about yourself, and use that as a springboard to activate your own humor, says HuffPost. Don’t take yourself too seriously, or anyone else for that matter!

Pamper Yourself

Reward yourself throughout the day in small ways to celebrate, well, YOU! Indulge in that piece of cake, order the double latte with extra whip, and immerse yourself in a bubble bath at the end of the day.

Reach Out

No one can handle the stress of life alone. We all need support from others when facing crisis, to be sure, but also in times of joy. If you are trying to cope with the recent death of a loved one, join a support group or engage in one-on-one counseling to help with bereavement. If you are no longer able to take care of yourself at home, call us for senior home care. Tap into your network of family and friends for help with anything you need. They will be happy and eager to help.

Contact Pathways Home Health and Hospice

Here at Pathways, we are proud to offer many senior care and bereavement support services, which you can learn more about when you contact us at 888-978-1306.