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Category Hospice Topics

When and How to Begin End of Life Care

Knowing when it’s time for a loved one to enter hospice in Santa Clara and elsewhere can be difficult, confusing, stressful and sad. But there are guidelines in place that you can follow to ensure your loved one enters end…

End of Life Care Involves Drugs: What You Need to Know

International Overdose Awareness Day is August 31 this year, a day dedicated to remembrance, awareness, education, and action to help eliminate overdose deaths, according to the National Safety Council. This is your chance to help raise awareness, memorialize a lost…

Giving to a Loved One in Hospice Care

“Every relationship is one of give and take. Giving engenders receiving, and receiving engenders giving. What goes up must come down; what goes out must come back. In reality, receiving is the same thing as giving, because giving and receiving…

Coping With End of Life Emotions

As you near the end of life, you will go through a roller coaster of emotions. The people who love, care for and support you will also go through a range of emotions. From fear and anger to regret and…

Hospice: Living Fully Until the End

Contrary to popular belief, hospice isn’t a death sentence; rather, it is assistance to live your best life until the end. If you have a loved one in hospice in San Francisco and elsewhere, or you yourself are facing entering…

Examining the Aftermath of a Stroke

May is National Stroke Awareness Month — no better time to address the aftermath of a stroke, its symptoms and treatments. Many of our hospice care patients are stroke victims in San Francisco and elsewhere, so we hope this information…