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Category Hospice Topics

Reflecting on the Benefits of Older Americans

Often times in our culture, we devalue senior citizens as they age. Yet, older Americans still have wisdom to impart, good to do, and lessons to provide our younger generations. This May, we celebrate Older Americans Month to recognize the many…

What You Should Know About the ALS of Today

ALS is short for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and it’s a progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting nerve cells in both the brain and spinal cord. May is ALS Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness of this disease so we can better…

Does Humor Belong in End of Life Care?

Quick answer: absolutely! It’s National Humor Month, which was created to raise awareness of the therapeutic value of humor. Those in end-of-life care in San Mateo and elsewhere can benefit greatly from laughing, as can their loved ones. Laughter brings…

Kidney Health and the End-Of-Life Patient

With March being National Kidney Month, we thought we would explore kidney health for individuals in end-of-life care in Santa Clara and elsewhere. Here at Pathways, we care for many patients suffering from kidney failure and other problems and do…