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Category Hospice Topics

The Role of Hospice When Dealing With Aphasia

June is National Aphasia Awareness Month, so what better time to discuss hospice as it relates to this condition? Aphasia, a communication disorder, impairs a person’s ability to process language, speak, and understand others, yet it does not affect intelligence,…

Hospice and the Alzheimer’s Patient: What You Need to Know

Alzheimer’s patients require more care and skilled attention than the average hospice patient. Hospice providers with expertise and experience in dealing with dementia can help patients and families understand what to expect in the final stages of Alzheimer’s, offering support…

Who Pays For Hospice?

It’s hard enough facing the fact that your aging or terminally ill loved one will be entering hospice shortly, but add the stress of determining who will pay for it all, and it’s understandable why you would feel so overwhelmed.…