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A Big Thanks to the Do-It-All Nurses of Hospice Care

May is a month of being thankful for our nurses! From National Nurses Day on May 6 to Skilled Nursing Care Week from May 9 through 15, there are many opportunities to express our thanks for the do-it-all nurses, especially those in hospice care in San Francisco and elsewhere. These in-the-trenches professionals are a selfless bunch who give of themselves each and every day and expect nothing in return. Particularly in the hospice field, this can be a demanding, overwhelming and emotional job to say the least. Let’s take a moment to thank the nurses that take care of your loved ones day in and day out.

How Can You Thank a Hospice Nurse?

Wondering how you can show your hospice nurses some heart-felt appreciation for their dedication and hard work? Here are some helpful suggestions.

  • Write a Thank-You Note: A sincere thank you note is a simple way to give thanks to your hospice nurse. Just be honest and true, and say what you feel. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Just recognize that your nurse sacrifices a lot to care for you or your loved one, which often means they give up precious time with their own families to be with yours. Express in your letter how much he or she has helped you get through such a difficult time, peppering your note with specific examples of their commitment.
  • Tell the Hospice Care Facility: Sometimes, nurses don’t get the recognition they deserve on the job. That’s why it’s very helpful for you to reach out to the hospice care provider and let them know of an employee who continually goes above and beyond to serve the needs of your loved one and family. By putting this in writing, you are making sure it can be kept permanently in the caregiver’s file, which may help them get a much-needed raise later on. Providing recognition to their boss shows them in detail how much you appreciate the caregiver, to be sure, but also the overall facility.
  • Bake Them Treats: Who doesn’t love baked goods? Bake up some fresh brownies or cookies, put them in a decorative basket and deliver them to the caregiver as a way of expressing your appreciation. Whether you grab them an extra coffee every day, give them a small gift card to their favorite restaurant, or bake them some mini-muffins, a little treat can become a bright spot in their day. Just keep in mind that some hospice care providers impose limitations and restrictions on what their employees are able to accept as gifts. Always check with the facility first.
  • Volunteer Your Time: Show your appreciation by giving your time. Find out if the organization offers volunteer opportunities; if not, can they recommend similar community groups that welcome people who want to offer their time? Browse the hospice care provider’s website or call their volunteer coordinator. There are many ways you can make a true difference in the lives of so many. You can support patients, provide child care assistance, or just make and send greeting cards to lift spirits. Perhaps you could help out with any fundraising and administrative work that may need to be done. Many organizations welcome those over 18, but many others welcome high school students who need volunteer service hours for their schools. Anyone looking at a career in nursing would benefit greatly from such experiences.
  • Donate Money: Hospice organizations are always in need of monetary help to run their operations. If you can’t volunteer your time but still want to do something to show you care, make a donation to the hospice organization of your choice, as they are usually very under-funded and could use extra assistance in meeting basic needs, services and supplies. You can make a gift of money in your loved one’s name as a generous way to show you appreciate their efforts. And if your parent or spouse has recently died after going through hospice, you could also make a donation in lieu of flowers at a funeral, to the hospice organization. Ask your friends and family to make donations to the organization, and include that information in the services program or obituary. Often times, people who knew your loved one wants to do something to express their condolences, and this is a constructive way for them to do so.
  • Reach Out to a Nurse: Throughout May and any other time during the year, take the time to tell a hospice nurse how much you appreciate them. This will make their day and put a pep in their step. Being a nurse can be a thankless job, so even just a simple “thank you,” a hug, or another nice gesture goes a long way. Remember: kind words mean the world to nurses who work with terminally ill patients on a daily basis.

Contact Pathways Home Health and Hospice

If you’d like to meet the hard-working nurses here at Pathways or learn more about their certifications and training, don’t hesitate to contact us at 888-978-1306.