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Vigil Program

Our Volunteer Department provides vigil to our patients in their place of residence.

We created a vigil program in 2007 to provide special volunteer support at the bedside for those who appear to have only a day or two to live.

Vigil volunteers are a dedicated group of experienced volunteers who have received extra training in end-of-life care, spiritual care and bereavement.

Vigil Volunteers can support family members by providing much needed relief, listening to a a life review, letting loved ones tell their story, or helping them to say goodbye for the last time.

They can often create a peaceful environment by calming lights and noise, playing soft music, reciting faith-based readings or gentle comfort touch.

If you see that it’s time for vigil service, please reach out to our hospice nurse or social worker or call the volunteer department:

Our remarkable vigil volunteers are committed to working with you and our patient’s as they near the end of their life’s journey.