What You May Not Know About Grief
August 30 is National Grief Awareness Day, created to raise awareness of the many ways in which individuals can cope with loss. If you have recently lost someone you love after a long illness, don’t navigate this difficult time on…
Great Ideas to Improve Your Senior Loved One’s Life
National Just Because Day is August 27th and it’s a fun opportunity to do something nice for someone else because you want to, not because there’s a special occasion. If your senior loved one is in home health care in…
Are You Aware of Gastroparesis? Here’s What You Need to Know
August is Gastroparesis Awareness Month and is designed to shed light on gastroparesis diagnosis, treatment, and overall quality of life. The goal is to help people understand what gastroparesis is and to help patients and their families better manage the…
Maintaining Good Self-Care For You and Your Loved One While in Hospice
Let’s celebrate Self-Care Month this July with some tips on how to best care for yourself and your loved one while in hospice in San Mateo and elsewhere. What exactly is self-care? The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as…
How to Incorporate Therapeutic Recreation in Your Senior’s Schedule
The second week of July is National Therapeutic Recreation Week, a time to raise awareness of therapeutic recreation programs and services that improve the quality of life, health, and well-being of those with mental, physical, and emotional disabilities. Recreational therapy…
Activities to Keep Boredom For Your Homebound Loved One At Bay
Many seniors with health and mobility challenges are unable to drive or can’t leave the home due to medical complications. Being homebound can be extremely isolating for seniors, as they have to rely on others to come visit them and…
8 Tips For a Memorable July 4th Celebration With Your Senior Loved One
It’s the 4th of July and it’s time to celebrate our country’s hard-fought independence. If you have a loved one in senior care in Santa Clara and elsewhere, you may be looking for some ways to create a memorable yet…
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How Your Attitude Impacts Your Hospice Care Results
National Attitude Day was June 5th this year, and it’s a time to work on improving your outlook on life. You can do this by making an effort to smile more, reframe situations, build resiliency, foster building healthy relationships, and…
Expert Tips on How to Manage a Migraine
With June being National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, we thought it appropriate to explore ways to better manage these unfortunate occurrences. Usually, a migraine or headache does not signal something serious, even though they are unpleasant, and in the…