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How Hospice Care Can Help With Social Wellness

With July being Social Wellness Month, it’s only fitting that we touch on how hospice care in San Francisco and elsewhere can help promote social health. Social wellness involves nurturing yourself and your relationships with others, giving and receiving social support through trying times,…

Getting Back to Normal After a Loss

Loss can be soul-crushing and gut-wrenching, but at some point, things start to stabilize a bit and you’re faced with a “new normal.” By normal, we don’t mean you forget your loved one and are happy as a clam. What…

Caring For Aphasia Patients at End-Of-Life

Aphasia is a communication disorder that impairs the ability to process language but doesn’t affect intelligence. Caring for aphasia patients at the end of life takes dedication and knowledge of the disease to help them communicate properly with their care…

Demystifying the Process of Grief

There is nothing mysterious about grief. It’s a very real emotion, and it’s one of the most common experienced by human beings. Most grief goes through set stages, sometimes in order and sometimes not. Other types of grief linger for…

Important Decisions After a Stroke

After suffering a stroke, important decisions have to made — fast — about the care, treatment, and approach for the patient, including the decision to enter end-of-life care in Alameda County and elsewhere. As it’s National Stroke Awareness Month, May is a…