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Treating Glaucoma During Hospice Care

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, and we thought it would be a good idea to spread the word about this sight-robbing disease. According to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, more than three million people in this country suffer from glaucoma…

Moving Confidently Into a New Year

As many of us are eager to say goodbye to a challenging year, we’re equally reminded of the positives and good times ahead. Celebration of Life Week is the first week of January, and it’s very fitting because it heralds…

Resolutions That Help During Grief

If you’ve recently lost a loved one in San Francisco or elsewhere, you may be right in the middle of grieving as the New Year approaches. Normally a happy time, a time of looking forward to new beginnings and hoping…

Journaling Your Way Through Grief

Grief hits us all in different ways. Coping with the loss of a loved one is never easy but the burden can be lifted a bit in many ways. Bereavement services may benefit you if you have just lost a…

Thanking Your Hospice Care Staff

November is a time of giving thanks for all our blessings. It also happens to be National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, a great opportunity to engage with local hospices and learn more about the value of hospice and palliative…

Coping With Grief During the Holiday Season

To someone who has recently lost a loved one, the holiday season’s approach can be like rubbing salt in the wound. Carols, celebrations, festive decorations and TV specials: things that are all meant to bring joy instead serve as painful…