What You Should Know About Loss of Strength and Muscle Mass in Seniors
Muscle loss as a result of aging is referred to as sarcopenia, usually occurring around age 75 but as early as 65 or as late as 80. It’s a leading factor in frailty and leads to a likelihood of falls…
What You Should Know About Aggression in Alzheimer’s Patients
Whether verbal or physical in nature, aggressive behaviors in Alzheimer’s patients are common. These attacks can come on suddenly, with no warning and no apparent trigger. This doesn’t make it any easier for you as the loved one to stand…
Depression and Dementia: Similarities and Differences
Diseases often times mimic one another yet have distinct differences as well. This is no different with depression and dementia. Both can display the same symptoms, from lethargy to confusion, yet they have notable differences that define them. One can…
Afternoon of Remembrance
Please join us for a Time of Remembrance Pathways Home Health and Hospice, Skylawn and Chapel of the Chimes invite their clients and all community members to remember your loved one, in the company of others, as we honor those…
One of the Most Preventable Cancers is Easily Detectable: Screen Now
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, with a goal to call attention to this deadly and unfortunately very common form of cancer. You are invited to dress in blue, organize a fundraiser or donate to the cause to help…
How to Make Wellderly Day Your Best Ever
National Wellderly Day is on Monday, March 19 this year. What is this day all about, you ask? Also known as Well-Elderly Day, this is a day to celebrate the health of our senior population and promote healthy initiatives so…
5 Tips to Help You Deal With Sleeplessness After Loss
Losing a loved one, especially a close one with whom you spent every day, can greatly impact every aspect of your life after they are gone. In addition to loss of appetite, depression and anxiety, you may experience sleeplessness at…
Stay Alert for These Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis
With National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week coming up on March 11 through 17, we take some time to educate you on the role of pulmonary rehabilitation to enhance the quality of life for those with lung and other diseases. Here at…
Hospice Care in Alameda County Explains Feeding Tube Options
As end of life approaches, it’s common for hospice patients to lose their appetites. That’s because organs and systems start shutting down, and the body simply does not want or need fluids and food like it did before. This can…
San Mateo Professionals Explain What to Expect From End of Life Care
Everyone’s story is different as they approach the end of life. Sometimes death is sudden, shocking loved ones into instant grief. Other times, death takes its time, coming on gradually as the patient lingers while loved ones do their best…