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One from the Heart Awards Breakfast

27TH ANNUAL ONE FROM THE HEART AWARDS BREAKFAST—A RESOUNDING SUCCESS! CHALLENGE GRANT MET AND EXCEEDED!     FLASH UPDATE: We are delighted to report that the substantial Challenge Grant we announced with such trepidation the morning of the Breakfast has…

Hospice Care Helps You Deal With Capgras Syndrome

Capgras syndrome, also known as “imposter syndrome” or “Capgras delusion,” is a psychological condition characterized by an irrational belief that someone they know or recognize has been replaced by an imposter. For example, a woman may accuse her husband of…

Hospice Care is Vigilant About Preventing Infection

Infection prevention is critical in any healthcare setting, but particularly in hospice settings where infection can hasten and complicate the dying process. There are two upcoming days to take note of: October 15 through 21 is International Infection Prevention Week…