The Role of Immunizations in the Health of Seniors
Just like children, seniors need to be immunized too in order to protect themselves against certain illnesses and diseases. Many preventable diseases can bring about serious illness and even death in senior citizens who fail to get the proper vaccinations.…
5 Things You May Not Know About Psoriasis
You may have heard of psoriasis and dismissed it as a simple skin condition, but it’s actually much more than that. It can be quite debilitating and serious if left untreated, too. According to Psoriasis Speaks, this chronic long-lasting condition…
Hospice care linked to higher family satisfaction
(Reuters Health) – Families of terminally ill cancer patients may be more satisfied with the end-of-life treatment their loved ones receive when it involves hospice care, a recent study suggests. Researchers examined interview data from 1,970 family members of deceased…
Hospice Care: What is Pharmacopalliation and What You Should Know
Pharmacopalliation is certainly a mouthful but its definition is simple. It’s designed to review and analyze all the medications a particular patient takes to make sure the benefits of each medicine outweigh the risks. At its core is palliative care,…
Tips to Ease Restless Leg Syndrome For a Good Night’s Sleep
If you toss and turn at night because of aching, creeping, prickling or crawling sensations in your legs when you lie down, you could have restless leg syndrome. According to WebMD, between five and 15 percent of adults suffer from…
Pathways Home Health and Hospice Offers Ideas For Cheering Up the Lonely
With July 11th being Cheer Up The Lonely Day (a condition suffered by many seniors) and July being Wheelchair Beautification Month, we decided to write about both in an effort to highlight the problem of loneliness. From taking flowers to…
Pathways Home Health and Hospice Celebrates Your Independence This Independence Day
This July 4th, we as a nation celebrate our independence. Why is this such a big deal? Why is it so freeing to be independent? The notion of independence is all about being able to effectively function on our own…
Home Health Care: 5 Benefits For The Patient With Scleroderma
Living with scleroderma can be challenging, especially when living on your own. You may not realize it, but home care is available for those who suffer from this condition, which is a rare disease that involves the hardening and tightening…
The Role of Hospice When Dealing With Aphasia
June is National Aphasia Awareness Month, so what better time to discuss hospice as it relates to this condition? Aphasia, a communication disorder, impairs a person’s ability to process language, speak, and understand others, yet it does not affect intelligence,…
Hospice and the Alzheimer’s Patient: What You Need to Know
Alzheimer’s patients require more care and skilled attention than the average hospice patient. Hospice providers with expertise and experience in dealing with dementia can help patients and families understand what to expect in the final stages of Alzheimer’s, offering support…