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Recognizing a Veteran’s Grief

This year, Veterans Day is on Friday, November 11. We care for many veterans with our hospice care in Santa Clara and elsewhere, and want to take this time to recognize their service while also acknowledging the grief they carry…

Drug Therapy Can be Confusing For Older Adults

Those facing hospice in San Mateo and elsewhere are likely taking a lot of medications for relief of their symptoms, whether those arise from cancer, dementia, heart disease, or something else. Confusion about dosage, timing, and side effects can all…

The Right Way to Grieve

First off, there really isn’t a “right” way to grieve. Everyone is different and therefore everyone moves through the stages of grief at a different pace. Losing someone you love in San Mateo and elsewhere is never easy. Thankfully, bereavement…

How to Enjoy Your Stay in Hospice Care

When the decision to enter hospice has been made, it can be a relief to the family members as well as the patient. Hospice care in San Francisco and elsewhere can be a welcome experience after battling a long illness,…