Category Uncategorized
Is There a Link Between Diabetes and Alzheimer’s?
Approximately 21 million Americans suffer from diabetes, a disease that makes it difficult for the body to convert sugar to energy, with six million people unaware they even have it. Scientists have found a link between Type 2 diabetes (the…
5 Self-Care Tips to Help Lessen Grief
Losing someone you love fiercely is a life changer. Even if you’ve been able to prepare for the event, watching your loved one decline throughout hospice, the death is still a shock to the system. While grief is a normal…
A Look at the Hospice Dementia FAST Scale
Every September marks World Alzheimer’s Month, an annual international campaign designed to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that surrounds dementia. In honor of World Alzheimer’s Month in general and World Alzheimer’s Day specifically on September 21, we explore the…
Grief Can Be More Complicated Than We Thought
There’s a new approach to understanding complicated grief and it all has to do with the biopsychosocial impact of the death of a loved one. Turns out, grief is rooted in science, with the grief-counseling field tasked with identifying and…
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Is it OK to be Happy During Grief?
Guilt is a pervasive emotion. While suffering unimaginable grief, such as losing a parent or loved one suddenly or after a long illness, can be all-encompassing, sometimes it isn’t the only emotion we feel. And the guilt at feeling something…
The Importance of Social Wellness at Any Age
Social wellness packs a lot of power: not only can it keep you happy, engaged, confident and physically active, it can help you overcome grief. If you recently lost a loved one or your aging parent has lost a spouse…
Caring Connections Program
A Transitions Program Pathways is honored to be a part of your caregiving team and would like to stay in touch if you transition off our services. Through Caring Connections, Pathways provides practical and emotional support to patients discharged from…